Player Commands
Requesting a Moderator
/modreq text - Files a ticket to all available server staff. This is the only way you should be asking for a moderators assistance.
/sethome - Sets your current position to your home.
/home - Teleports you to your home position. (15 second warm up and 5 minute cool down)
/spawn - Teleports you to the default spawn position of your user-group. (15 second warm up and 5 minute cool down)
/money - View your current balance.
/money top # - View the richest players on the server, you may specify how many to list.
/money pay playername # - Pay the selected player an amount of money.
/money playername - View the selected players balance.
/shop - Show help page 1
/shop [h|help|?] (page) - Show help page X
/shop [l|list] (page) - Show item list page X
/shop [c|check] [id([:type])] - Search a single item
/shop [s|sell] [id([:type])] [amount] - Sell items back to the shop
/shop [b|buy] [id([:type])] [amount] - Buy items from the shop
/shop [g|gift] [receiver] [id([:type])] [amount] - Gift an item to player [receiver]
Chat Commands
/ch l - Puts your focus on the local channel. In this channel only players near you can hear you.
/ch g - Returns you back to the global channel the server uses as it's primary communication.
/afk - Notifies the server you are away from your keyboard.
/who | /list - Lists the current connected players to the server by user-group.
/ping - Sends a ping to the server, how fast you get a pong is the server response time.
/workbench - Summons a workbench that can be used anywhere.
/chest - Summons a chest that can be used anywhere.
/tpa - Allows you to ask the player for permission to teleport to him/her.