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Server Rules

Exiled Gaming Server Rule Book

The following rules apply to all members of the server. By joining and playing on our server we as the server provider assume you have read and agree to these rules. It is your responsibility alone to be aware and abide by these rules at all times. Failure to do so will result in reprimands against you.

1) Hacking
Hacking is defined as using a 3rd party program to modify your client in anyway to give you an advantage in the game. Players caught using such modifications to their clients will be banned from the server for a permanent duration.

2) Glitch Exploitation
Exploiting Glitches is defined as using an existing fault with the game to gain an artificial advantage. Players should report glitches right away when they are found to a Moderator. Using glitches to your advantage can result in a permanent ban.

3) Stealing
Stealing is defined as a player acquiring an item previously gained by another person without that persons permission. Stealing from people is strictly prohibited and will result in reprimands against you if caught.

4) PVP
Player vs Player is currently enabled on our servers. There are some rules with PVP that need to be followed to keep the server a fair and fun experience for all players.
  1. Players will not attack new players who have recently joined the server. This will allow the player to establish himself on the server and give him fair opportunity to fight back. This however does not apply if the new player attacks you. 
  2. Griefing with PVP is strictly prohibited. Killing players over and over again when they do not wish to engage you in PVP is not allowed. We do allow open combat to take place, but you may not do so repeatedly to ruin the game for another player. This rule is completely at the discretion of the staff who are on the server. If we ask you to stop, you will comply.
5) Griefing
Griefing is defined as the willful act of destroying another players property for the sake of destroying what he/she has built. Players found griefing will be permanently banned from the server. This is also defined as the willful act of destroying the natural terrain of the server for the sake of destruction.

6) Spawned Items
This server does not provide you kits, or items at all. Admins and Staff will not provide you any spawned materials at all what so ever. Everything you will acquire on the server will be earned by conventional ways of Minecraft.

7) Your Rights
This server is provided to you by a private group, hosted on a private property, and maintained by owners of said property. While we let you enjoy our services free of charge we also do not give or guarantee you any rights what so ever. If any of the terms or conditions of the server are unfavorable you may choose to leave anytime you wish. You are not contractually obligated to play on our server nor are you guaranteed any rights of any sort within our privately owned domains. Playing on our server is considered a privilege not a right.

8) Community
We reserve the right to filter out our community as needed. Although this is only done in extreme circumstances players who we feel are too disruptive to the community despite breaking any rules can be removed for sake of peace and order. Although this is only done in extreme circumstances.

9) Bans
Players who are banned on the server may file an appeal on the forums to be reviewed by the senior server staff. Players who choose to do so will follow all instructions on the forums when doing this process. Failing to correctly file your appeal can result in an automatic denial. Players may be banned for any reason, or no reason, you may also be banned without the chance to file an appeal. Although this is only done in extreme circumstances.

10) "Floating" Trees
Players are required to fully chop down their trees on the server. This is to prevent floating trees from inhabiting the map as it can be an unwanted eyesore. Players who fail to fully chop down their trees can face punishments ranging from economy related fines, inventory punishments, jailing, or banishment.

11) "Floating" structures
Players may not build a floating structure in the sky without a staff members permission. Structures in the sky must not be in such a manner that they are an eyesore, unfinished or abandoned, or disruptive to structures below or around it. Floating structures found to be any of the mentioned will be deleted on sight.

12) Asking For Power
Players wishing to join the staff here on our server may do so by filing a CSR application on our forums. We require all staff to be reasonably active on both the forums and the server itself, as well as have the ability to use Teamspeak. Asking other staff members to join the staff any other way is strictly prohibited.

13) Discussion Of Punishment
Discussion of any in game or out of game punishment is strictly prohibited. This includes complaints of punishments against yourself or somebody else. If you feel you were punished unfairly please file an appeal on the forums so senior staff can make a final judgement.

14) Chat
Any kind of disruptive behavior showcased on our chat channels on the server are strictly prohibited. These include but are not limited too... Spamming, Excessive Capitalization, Non legible symbols, Unsightly or inappropriate messages. Violations of this rule can result in muting, further violations can result in banning.

15) 1x1 Towers
Or any similar structure built going to the sky are strictly prohibited. They are ugly and unsightly and will result in administrative action taken against your account.

16) Language
We are primarily an English speaking community. And thus all text communication on the server, the forums, and Teamspeak will be conducted in English ONLY. However you may use other native languages using local chat in the game.

17) Conduct
Players will conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times while on the server. Players will use common sense when interacting with other people. Players will follow the instruction of any staff member at all times. Players who feel that other players or staff are harassing or abusing their powers may file a complain with the admins via a PM on the forums. We ask when you do so, to use the chain of command. This means filing a complaint with a staff member directly above the person.

18) Label Your Structures
We ask players to label their structures on the server using a sign with their name written on it. This allows us to easily identify what belongs to whom. Players labeling structures that don't belong to them are liable to be banned from the server. Only claim what is yours. Doing so prevents staff from accidentally modifying or deleting your work, as structures found with no labels are assumed abandoned.

19) Admins
Admins may modify the server anyway they want, whenever they want. This includes but is not limited too. Deleting structures, building structures, moving structures, changing structures. Simply put we reserve the right to change anything we want at any time. We may shape our server however we please.

20) Advertising
Players may not advertise other servers or related website at anytime on our server. Players caught advertising will be permanently banned from the server with no chance of appeal.

21) Automated Farms
Are defined as a set up that automatically harvests or collects materials from either crops or monsters. These items generate entities automatically. Players are not allowed to have any system that automatically produces entities. Such things found will result in serious consequences. This includes mob spawners both automatic and semi automatic. You may however use pistons and/or water to harvest your crops provided it's a toggled event.

22) Requesting Help
All players will use the "modreq" ticket system to request help from a staff member. To do so you simply type "/modreq yourrequest". Staff members will then assist you in a timely manner when they get an opportunity. Admins are not moderators, it is not their job to assist you via the ticket system, though many choose to do so regardless.

23) Land Protection
Players may file a ticket anytime asking for their land to be protected from other players using the "modreq" ticket system. Players must have started to build, or have built something worth protecting. Players who go inactive for a long period of time risk their protections being removed and structures deleted.

24) Quality control
Our server strives to look the best it can be. While players may build whatever they choose, we do ask players they refrain from ugly structures. (like dirt huts) and other eye sores as a building choice. Such structures are liable to be deleted any time.

25) Offensive Material
Players may in no way construct anything in the game intended to be offensive. Anything found on the server considered offensive will be removed with the possibility of banishment depending on the seriousness of the offense. This discretion is solely up to the server owners.

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