Folks, it looks like Notch decided to go ahead and release Minecraft 1.8. While we know this is an exciting time as the game hasn't had this degree of an overhaul in a long time we must ask you not to upgrade to 1.8 if you intend to play on our server.
If you accidentally upgrade to 1.8 see Michael Lee's post HERE to roll yourself back to 1.7.3
The reason why we're not moving the server forward with 1.8 right away is because the creators of all of our vital plugins need time to update their software to match the 1.8 architecture. This takes a few days as they have to make the modifications, upload them, them we have to download and install them. This includes bukkit which also will have to update to support the new version of minecraft.
On top of that, Notch has a nasty habit of doing hotfixes one or two days after his release of an update. So we're expecting 1.8.1 in a time frame of a few hours to a few days. Each time he does this plugin developers have to update their software again. Which is why many of them simply wait for notch to get all of this done before they even begin updating their plugins.
In a worse case scenario we should be running on 1.8 here in a week tops. It's never taken longer then 5 or so days for us to have everything securely moved to the new version.
We will be generating a new map seed, and we will be copying/pasting over all the essential stuff to ensure that all the new goodies will generate with the map terrain. (mineshafts etc etc) While spawn and the spawn city will remain unchanged, you can expect the terrain of the map to be completely different once you leave the area.
Thanks for understanding,
So everything is going to get deleted again?
No, read the forums.
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