I did some updating on the website tonight! And there are Three important changes you're going to notice. First off I made a page specifically for voting! No more having to fumble around with a ton of URL's you can just go to our voting page and run down the list to promote the server! WE greatly appreciate people who take the time and effort to vote for us.
Moderated comments are now enabled for all posts on the website, you can directly comment on our posts here on the webpage. Although they won't show up right away until an administrator okays it, we do this to prevent people from posting inappropriate content or other advertisements.
There is a mobile version of the website now available via your Iphone or Droid device. This sleek and small package allows you to easily read and surf the content here on our website in the palm of your hand. So bookmark us on your phone, and get involved!
Thanks for reading.
Server co-OWNER
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