As you may have noticed, I've only been on a few times as of late, my Twitter account has hardly been updated and the art work I was supposed to have done for the website is hardly touched. Before I get to my explanation, I'd like to express my sincerest apologies to Knives and the rest of the server.
I enjoy working with all of you and you deserve an admin who's able to be more active, however right now that is something that I cannot commit to. I will be back in action, but it may be a week or two.
Firstly, as a handful of you know, I got a kitten, however I was forced out of ownership for extensive, pointless reasons. You don't need details, just know that I am NOT a happy camper.
Secondly, I've taken on multiple charity projects that include hours of study, work and effort in order to get the outcome that is desired. This takes up a large chunk of my day as it involves me actually going out to local businesses and participating in meetings.
And thirdly, I have started my own business and am busy building it from the ground up and getting it up and running. This also takes multiple hours of time and effort speaking with the town's CoE and dealing with tax information and local laws.
Lastly, I've enrolled in multiple school courses including classes for graphic design, general credits and a specialized cartoon and 3D model class.
I will leave it up to Knives to decide whether I remain as an Admin or not, but know that I still have a care and love for the server and will be back in action as soon as time allows me.
Thank you all, and congrats to G3y3r, he deserves the position.
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