Yesterday at approximately 7:00 PM EST, I update the server to Minecraft 1.8 and CB1185. I'm sure you guys have all been just itching to play on the server with 1.8. I've been busy grabbing all of the updated plugins and testing some of the older ones for compatibility. Some plugins have been released for the latest version, some have not been updated but are still compatible, some are not compatible, and some plugins have been removed in favor of similar ones. Do not be alarmed if you find any bugs here and there, just calmy report them to me via PM with the date, time, what you were doing, etc.
Since 1.8 has drastically changed the game architecture, we will not be keeping our current map. We will move to a new map, and we will, upon request, copy some (but not all) of your buildings to the new map (read this post about copying).
While we are copying your stuff over, flushing out bugs, refining the gameplay, and preparing for the release of Minecraft 1.9, we will be on a TEMPORARY MAP. Anything you build on this TEMPORARY MAP will be lost once we go to our new permanent map, so don't get too carried away with your building. I expect us to be on the TEMPORARY MAP for up to two weeks. Happy Minecraft-ing.
Server Co-Owner
I'm so glad that we are getting our stuff copied over, and thanks.
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